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Chapter 7. Palumpolum

Items                                  Enemies
[3] Fiber-optic Cabling (C)        [E059] Corps Tranquiflex (3612)
[3] Holy Water (B)                                       [E060] Falco Velocycle (14700)
[1] Librasmoke (S)                                      [E061] Corps Pacifex (5670)
[1] Phoenix Down (B)                                [E062] Flanitor (3780)
[4] Holy Water (B)                                      [E063] Lucidon (10080)
[1] Aqua Ring (A)
[2] Mobius Coil (C)
[1] Warding Talisman (A)
New At Shop:
Unicorn Mart                       B&W Outfitters                            Lenora's Garage
<> Holy Water                    <> Star Pendant                          <> Ceramic Armor
                                                 <> Passive Detector
                                                 <> Bomb Fragment
                                                 <> Turbojet

Characters: Lightning, Hope                       Palumpolum - The Metrostile

[64] Corps Tranquifex x2
[96] Corps Tranquifex x3
Instead of following Hope, go to the right and follow the narrow path.
Treasure: Fiber-optic Cable x3
Then follow Hope into the tunnel. Take the first opportunity left.
Treasure: Holy Water x3
Jump out of the tunnel again.

[32] Corps Pacifex
[96] Corps Pacifex x2, Corps Tranquifex
[90] Falco Velocycle
For this last one, start with MED/SYN to buff yourself. Then switch to COM/RAV and when he is near stagger RAV/RAV to fully hit him.
When he uses Gatling Gun, hope that he hits Hope so you can use a Phoenix Down to bring him back, because if he hits Lightning, it will KO you.


Go through the tunnel and go right when you get out of the tube.
Treasure: Librascope
Then exit the tunnel at the other side into the Plant.

Characters: Lightning, Hope                 Palumpolum - Nutriculture Complex

There is a Save Station at the beginning of the road.


Check the panel on the right to continue, then when you arrive at the next station, check the left panel to be brought to another platform.

Treasure: Phoenix Down

Treasure: Holy Water x4

Then ride the lift to return.


[128] Flanitor x2

[96] Lucidon


Go up to Hope to start a scene.

[128] Flanitor x2
Next, check the left panel first, to go to another platform.

[160] Flanitor, Lucidon
Treasure: Aqua Ring
Treasure: Mobius Coil x2
Then take the elevator thing back to the panels and take the right one to continue. You can make the Lucidon up next follow you and then when it doesn't see you it'll turn around giving you a chance for pre-emptive strike.

[96] Lucidon
[192] Flanitor x3
Treasure: Warding Talisman
[128] Flanitor x2
Check the panel on the right to board the platform. And Save your game on the right. Make sure you have enough potions before heading on.

Items                                                                Enemies
[1] Fortisol (S)                                             [E065] Orion (25200)
[1] Paladin (W)                                           [E059] Corps Tranquifex (3612)
[4] Insulated Cabling (C)                        [E061] Corps Pacifex (5670)
                                                                          [E064] PSICOM Predator (3780)
                                                                          [E066] PSICOM Scavenger (9660)
                                                                          [E067] PSICOM Bombardier (11340)
                                                                          [E068] Warlord (22680)

Characters: Snow                                      Palumpolum - The Agora 

The next battle starts with Snow in Driving Mode.


[307] Orion, Corps Tranquifex x2, Corps Pacifex x2,             PSICOM Predator x2


Focus your attack on the Orion, because the small-fry will KO at the end of Driving Mode anyway. If you're good enough, the Orion will KO too.


Ahead is a Save Station.


[154] Corps Tranquifex x3, PSICOM Bombardier


Go up the Icy path.

Characters: Snow                             Palumpolum - Pedestrian Terraces

[115] Corps Pacifex x2, PSICOM Scavenger
[179] Corps Pacifex x4, PSICOM Predator
Go straight before taking the icy road on the right.
[192] Corps Pacifex x2, PSICOM Warlord
Treasure: Fortisol
Take the icy road, now on your left. 
[115] Corps Tranquifex x2, PSICOM Scavenger

Go up the slope first.

[186] Corps Tranquifex x4, PSICOM Bombardier
Treasure: Paladin, Weapon for Snow.
Go back down.
[243] Corps Tranquifex x2, PSICOM Predator,                   PSICOM Warlord
Jump down and take a left.
Treasure: Insulated Cabling x4
Now take the right, Save Station ahead. Jump down.

Items                                                               Enemies
/                                                                        [E061] Corps Pacifex (5670)
                                                                          [E059] Corps Tranquifex (3612)
                                                                          [E065] Orion (25200)
                                                                          [E064] PSICOM Predator (3780)

Characters: Fang, Lightning                      Palumpolum - The Back Alleys

On the right is a Save Station. 


[128] Corps Pacifex x2, Corps Tranquifex x2

[77] Orion

[147] Corps Pacifex x3, PSICOM Predator


Items                                                                Enemies
[4] Holy Water (B)                                      [E061] Corps Pacifex (5670)
[2] Incentive Chip (C)                               [E059] Corps Tranquifex (3612)
[1] Guardian Amulet (A)                          [ / ] PSICOM Aerial Sniper (7350)
[1] Shaman's Mark (A)                               [E060] Falco Velocycle (14700)
[1] Vidofnir (W)                                           [ / ] Ushumugal Subjugator (126000)
[3] Thrust Bearings (S)
[1] Deceptisol (S)
[2000] Gil 

Characters: Hope, Snow                         Palumpolum - Western Promenade

Save Station on the left. Turn around first.
Treasure: Holy Water x4
Just head for the exit.
[96] Corps Pacifex x3
[64] Corps Pacifex, Corps Tranquifex
On the corner of the building you can jump up on the balconies. 
Treasure: Incentive Chip x2
Then jump off again.
[96] Corps Tranquifex x3
[96] Corps Tranquifex x2, Corps Pacifex

Characters: Hope, Snow                            Palumpolum - Central Arcade

Treasure: Guardian Amulet
Save Station next to the treasure. 
[128] Corps Tranquifex x2, Corps Pacifex x2
[96] Corps Pacifex x2, Corps Tranquifex

Characters: Hope, Snow                         Palumpolum - Eastern Promenade

From now on, there are some harder enemies.
[174] PSICOM Aerial Sniper x3
[58] PSICOM Aerial Sniper
[116] PSICOM Aerial Sniper x2

Characters: Hope, Snow                             Palumpolum - Rivera Towers

Save Station


[174] PSICOM Aerial Sniper x3


Jump down and turn around for a treasure.

Treasure: Shaman's Mark


For the Falco Velocycle in this area, keep attacking and change to SEN/MED when it is doing Gatling Gun. 

Choose Provoke followed by Steelguard to attract all the attacks to Snow. Because you use Steelguard after the Provoke, the attacks do little damage. After Gatling Gun ends, go back to attacking.


[90] Falco Velocycle

[116] PSICOM Aerial Sniper x2

[116] PSICOM Aerial Sniper x2


Go right and another right.
Treasure: Vidofnir, Weapon for Hope.
Turn around and go left at the end before the next battle.
Treasure: Thrust Bearings x3
Then follow the road.
[90] Falco Velocycle
[148] PSICOM Aerial Sniper, Falco Velocycle
Treasure: Deceptisol, on the right
Go up the rail, right way around.
Treasure: 2000 Gil

[174] PSICOM Aerial Sniper x3
Jump up the building.
[206] PSICOM Flying Sniper x2, Falco Velocycle
Save Station. Check the map to see the place where you need to go.
[960] Ushumgal Subjugator
Use SEN/SYN for the first part so that Hope can buff your party while Snow takes all the hits without taking much damage.
After that, heal with COM/MED and change it with COM/RAV when you can.

~ Capital of Commerce ~

Warrior (Fighter) — A specialist in heavy weapons and armor who can withstand tremendous amounts of punishment. Can become the Knight later in the game, who is able to use the most powerful weapons and some White Magic spells.


Monk (Black Belt) — A martial arts expert who is best left fighting empty-handed, but may also wield nunchaku, and the most basic of staves. Does tremendous amounts of damage in combat, but cannot wear heavy armor. Can become the Master later in the game. In the original Famicom/NES version a high level, barehanded Master who is unencumbered by armor, can do more damage in a single attack than any other character type; a party of four Masters can defeat the final boss monster in less than two full rounds. A rather weak class in the beginning, but you never have to buy much weapons/armor for him.


Thief — A high evasion/accuracy finesse fighter with very limited weapon and armor selection, but greater agility and luck (ability to escape from combat). However, the ability to flee is bugged in versions before the Origins release. Later in the game, the Thief can be upgraded to the Ninja class. Ninja can use almost every weapon and most armor, and can use many Black Magic spells.


White Mage — A specialist in White Magic. Not a good fighter, but can use hammers for physical attacks. Can be upgraded into a White Wizard, which allows the character to use the most powerful White Magic spells in the game.


Black Mage — A specialist in Black Magic and a very weak fighter. Becomes the Black Wizard later on. Black Wizard is the only character who can cast Flare (NUKE in the original North American localization), one of the two damaging spells that retain full effectiveness against Chaos (the White Wizard can cast Holy, the other spell, but it is less powerful than Flare).


Red Mage — A jack-of-all-trades character, able to use most but not all of both White and Black Magic, and possessing fighting abilities similar to but not quite as good as the Fighter. Becomes the Red Wizard later in the game.

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