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Release dates




Game modes




Square Enix
Product Development Division 1


Square Co., Ltd. 


December 17, 2009


Role-playing game


Single player


PlayStation 3, Xbox 360

The story begins in Cocoon as the citizens of the town of Bodhum are being evicted, or Purged, from Cocoon after coming in contact with something from Pulse. Over the course of the game, the player is shown flashbacks of the events of the previous 13 days, which began when a fal'Cie from Pulse was discovered near Bodhum. Lightning's sister Serah had found the fal'Cie from Pulse and been changed into a l'Cie by it. Lightning and Sazh derail a Purge train bound for Pulse in an attempt to save Serah. In the subsequent battle, Snow leads his resistance group, NORA, to rescue the Purge exiles. 


Lightning — The main protagonist. Lightning was a member of the Guardian Corps in Bodhum before her life came crashing down when her sister Serah became a Pulse l'Cie. Regretting her refusal to believe Serah, Lightning volunteers to be Purged with the intention of saving her, only to be made a l'Cie like her. She is an agile fighter who makes use of a variety of gunblades, the Blazefire Saber among them.

Snow Villiers — Leader of NORA, Snow Villiers is a sturdy man whose mannerisms are said to resemble that of a cowboy. He travels to the Hanging Edge to fight PSICOM and the Purge in the hopes of saving his fiancée, Serah, who was imprisoned by the Pulse fal'Cie. Although Snow uses his fists to fight, his equipped 'weapon' is a runed coat, designed to enhance the wearer's strength.

Oerba Dia Vanille — A young and spirited girl with a mysterious past who carries a heavy burden the others are not initially aware of. Getting through the events of the Purge, she tags along with Hope and finds herself wrapped up in the events leading to her join the others. She acts as the narrator of the story and can be considered a deuteragonist. Her weapon of choice is called the Binding Rod.

Sazh Katzroy — A middle-aged man with dark skin and an afro. He was formerly in the military, but now works as a civilian airship pilot. In the hopes of saving his son, Dajh, he boards the Purge train to the Hanging Edge, only to become a l'Cie himself. He owns a baby chocobo that lives in his hair. He fights with two pistols that can be combined into a rifle.

Hope Estheim — A young boy who, along with his mother, is part of the group of exiles onboard the Purge train. During an unsuccessful attempt by NORA to drive the PSICOM soldiers back, his mother dies in the conflict. Blaming Snow for his mother's death, Hope follows him but ends up becoming a l'Cie and being forced to work with him and the others. Hope joins Lightning on her journey to become stronger so he could avenge his mother's death. He wields boomerangs in battle.

Oerba Yun Fang — A wild-looking dark-haired woman with a large tattoo on one arm and a scorched mark of the l'Cie on the other. She first appears with Cid Raines and the Cavalry with the intention of capturing Snow in Lake Bresha. However, she has a more complicated agenda, as she searches for a long-lost friend and aims to complete her Focus. Spears are her weapon of choice.


PS3 version

Xbox 360 version

Game Video

Warrior (Fighter) — A specialist in heavy weapons and armor who can withstand tremendous amounts of punishment. Can become the Knight later in the game, who is able to use the most powerful weapons and some White Magic spells.


Monk (Black Belt) — A martial arts expert who is best left fighting empty-handed, but may also wield nunchaku, and the most basic of staves. Does tremendous amounts of damage in combat, but cannot wear heavy armor. Can become the Master later in the game. In the original Famicom/NES version a high level, barehanded Master who is unencumbered by armor, can do more damage in a single attack than any other character type; a party of four Masters can defeat the final boss monster in less than two full rounds. A rather weak class in the beginning, but you never have to buy much weapons/armor for him.


Thief — A high evasion/accuracy finesse fighter with very limited weapon and armor selection, but greater agility and luck (ability to escape from combat). However, the ability to flee is bugged in versions before the Origins release. Later in the game, the Thief can be upgraded to the Ninja class. Ninja can use almost every weapon and most armor, and can use many Black Magic spells.


White Mage — A specialist in White Magic. Not a good fighter, but can use hammers for physical attacks. Can be upgraded into a White Wizard, which allows the character to use the most powerful White Magic spells in the game.


Black Mage — A specialist in Black Magic and a very weak fighter. Becomes the Black Wizard later on. Black Wizard is the only character who can cast Flare (NUKE in the original North American localization), one of the two damaging spells that retain full effectiveness against Chaos (the White Wizard can cast Holy, the other spell, but it is less powerful than Flare).


Red Mage — A jack-of-all-trades character, able to use most but not all of both White and Black Magic, and possessing fighting abilities similar to but not quite as good as the Fighter. Becomes the Red Wizard later in the game.

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